

Humanitarian Efforts

"Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever"

Moroni 7:47
In addition to volunteering for community service projects each week, our missionaries provide humanitarian aid.

Working Together

Our humanitarian effort is made possible primarily through the generous contributions of members of our Church.

Our LDS Charities missionaries have spearheaded projects across Slovak, Czech and Poland. Recent efforts include:

  • delivering bunkbeds, appliances, and converters to provide heat and electricity to a refugee shelter,
  • assisting in the creation of an education and cultural center,
  • providing support to a community center in a Roma village, providing clothing and toys for 445 socially disadvantaged and handicapped children and
  • repairing and replacing equipment at a disabled adult facility.

Serving the community

In 2022, our humanitarian efforts included 25 projects that served 8,250 people and 1,000 refugees in the Czech and Slovak republics.

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