
What is "Mormon"?


We try to focus our lives on Him, keep His commandments, and love those around us as He would.

Who are Mormons? What do Mormons believe? Are Mormons Christians? What is the official name of the Mormon Church?

“Mormon” is a nickname given to us by others. 

Members prefer our official name to be used: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Or, for shortened references, the Church of Jesus Christ or the restored Church of Jesus Christ. 

We discourage the use of “Mormon” or “Mormonism” to refer to our Church or our beliefs. 

Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the Son of our loving Heavenly Father. 
Christ’s Atonement allows mankind to be saved from their sins and return to live with God and their families forever. 
Christ’s original Church as described in the New Testament has been restored in modern times. 

Want to learn more?

Are Mormons Christian?

"Are you Mormon?" 

I hear this question almost every day. As a representative for my church, I am perhaps a bit more vocal in my faith than most. It leads to beautiful conversations and relationships with others, it leads to finding greater trust and faith in Jesus Christ (the whole reason I decided to represent my church as a missionary), and it can lead to some misunderstandings. 

When many people see a missionary or hear the words "the Mormons," their minds might travel down a few different paths: "They're the ones with the new Bible, right?" "Are they even Christians?" "Who is Mormon, anyway?" 


So, what do we believe?

We believe Christ has restored his church on the earth today. The same power that was used by Christ to perform miracles and to establish His church is with us. God speaks to us, as He has always done, through a prophet and twelve apostles to lead and guide his church. 

We also believe that God speaks to us through scriptures. We believe the Bible as the word of God, as far as it is correctly translated. Through translation and interpretation, though, a lot of the simple truths inside it have been changed and lost. That's why we need the Book of Mormon: another Testament of Jesus Christ. 

It's a record of God's word, through prophets, to a family that traveled out of Jerusalem before it was taken captive by the Babylonians. Mormon was just one of the prophets that testified of Christ within its pages.

The sad part is, the word "Mormon" misses so much of what we believe–even that …God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save all humankind from their sins (see John 3:16). God is a loving Heavenly Father who knows His children individually, hears and answers their prayers and feels compassion toward them.¹ 

This is what our whole faith is about. That Jesus Christ is our Savior. It's the whole reason we call ourselves "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." 


We love Jesus Christ. And we do our best to share His light with those we meet.

What is a Mormon?

As members of our Church, even the Church of Jesus Christ, He is at the center of all we do. We try to focus our lives on Him, to keep his commandments, and to love those around us as He would. We know that Christ is the light and the life of our world.

We love Jesus Christ. And we do our best to share His light with those we meet. 


We are not attempting to coerce you to believe as we do. We are inviting you to hear the restored truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ so you can study, ponder, pray, and come to know for yourself if the things we are sharing with you are true. Some of you may respond:

“But I already believe in Jesus and follow His teachings,” or “I am not sure if God really exists.”

Our invitations to you are not an attempt to diminish your religious tradition or life experience. Bring all that you know is true, good, and praiseworthy—and test our message. Just as Jesus beckoned two of His disciples to “come and see," so we urge you to come and see if the restored gospel of Jesus Christ enlarges and enriches that which you already believe to be true.²

So what is a Mormon?

Come and see.


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Another Testament of Christ

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